I have exams this week. Well, actually I only have two more- English and American government. Both are going to be pretty tough exams, too. I have to read Greene’s Power and the Glory tonight. I wish I had that; power and glory. It kind of reminds me when we first started reading the book. A friend of mine was writing his assignments down, and one of his entries read “get power and glory.” I thought to myself, that a pretty tough thing to do in one night. But then he further elucidated his assignment by putting “get the power and the glory.”
Category: Corpus
Take a Proustian journey through my life vis-à-vis the words I have published to the Internet over the last four decades.
December 6, 1999
Well, here it is. December. I swear that these past months have flown by, and I am just coughing in the dust of time. But anyway, I have today off from school, and I am about to read about the Judiciary. It’s rather boring, but hey, it’s my country. And the only reason I wrote anything here was because it was time to update it…
November 29, 1999
Well, today, for a brief flicker of time, I was back in the ghetto. And I am not just talking any ghetto, I am talking about the ghetto where you go outside you hear three things: sirens, the hum of the interstate, and dogs barking. People like to say they live in the ghetto when they see a black person at the outer perimeter of their subdivision. No- I lived IN the ghetto. At my first house, there was only 3 white families in the neighborhood. Then, we moved, and at first, it was largely white, but then steadily my neighbors moved, and black families came in. I am not racially prejudice by any means, at least I don’t think I am. I remember my black neighbors, and we were pretty close to some of them. But as with all races, there people who prefer to keep to themselves, and not be apart of the neighborhood.
November 26, 1999
Well, I haven’t written to Nothing in General for 10 days, nor has anyone else for that matter. Let me give you the run-down of my life since then. Well, I am “grounded until the millennium” because of my own stupidity. I really don’t want to write about that. Last night, I watched Forrest Gump on ABC. That movie is great, and I will always watch it if it’s on. Right now, I am listening to the new Live DMB cd and it’s awesome… That’s all…
November 16, 1999
I am watching Friends, and it is not very funny. Friends is kind of a stupid show, and it pains me to say that it is one of the funniest shows on NBC. But I still don’t like it.