I am actually writing this entry to the nothing on June 14, but hey, what’s the difference? Today, I did something that I am somewhat proud of, but I am steadily becoming more weary of. I “freeballed.” For those who don’t know, that’s when a male decides not to wear underpants. It’s kind of silly, yes. I realized that I have been doing that way too much lately. So, from now on, it’ll be a once a week thing. I will enjoy just the same, but now I won’t become addicted like I am to Mountain Dew or Little Debbie’s tasty treats.
Category: Corpus
Take a Proustian journey through my life vis-à-vis the words I have published to the Internet over the last four decades.
June 14, 1999
Yesterday I saw the new Austin Powers, which is quite funny, but there were several parts of the movie that were strikingly similar to the previous movie. Fortunately, these parts were very funny in the original, so there was not much of an issue.
June 10, 1999
Yesterday I was talking to a girl, and she told me that she sorts through a whole box of Lucky Charms, only eating the marshmallows. I thought that this was strange. Lucky Charms are an ensemble, like a symphony of flavors. The frosted oat pieces serves as the percussion section of the orchestra. The tasty marshmallow bits are just the horn section. You can’t have the symphony without the percussion. She told me that she to leave. I think she left because she knew I was right, that or she thought that I put way too much thought into food. what’s the case? probably a little of both.
June 8, 1999
Today, while I was busy slaving away at a database for work, I sent myself a Self extracting program for WinZip. Then, when I returned home and checked my mail, I received message, but alas! It’s missing! Those dang ghosts are at again….
May 31, 1999
Well, today was Memorial Day. Yippie. Last night, my friends and I were watching Very Bad Things (an extremely disturbing movie to say the least), and the guys in the movie call one of their friends by their last name. I thought this was rather neat, and I stated that maybe we should call one of our friends by their last name. And then, a friend turns to me and says, “Ollinger?” And then I put my head down and shut my mouth. I felt like a toolbox from Sears. It was bad. I always wanted a friend to call by their last name. Not me.