Well, I continue to be the only one who truly updates the site. Bret has added his new layout, and that’s been it as for other contributors. Oh well, I am not complaining, I am just confused. At least the cam is back up. So maybe that’s a sign that things are changing.
Category: Other Words
September 13, 1999
Well, I continue to be the only one who truly updates the site. Bret has added his new layout, and that’s been it as for other contributors. Oh well, I am not complaining, I am just confused. At least the cam is back up. So maybe that’s a sign that things are changing.
September 8, 1999
From now on, there will not be any stops in Nothing in General as a weekly installment; this is my pledge. The other day I saw this lady with a picture of a “Xena”-looking woman airbrushed onto the hood of her car. I laughed. She looked like a redneck. She probably was.
August 24, 1999
One day I want to be a spaceman, but I am afraid of brain-craving mutant aliens who have bad attitudes. I want to encounter some type of good-natured alien named Mog, that sells girl scout cookies to hitch hikers across the galaxy. I think it would be a cool thing.
August 23, 1999
I apologize for not updating last week. I have been busy with the summer reading. There’s a story behind that, too. Way back in May, when the lists were distributed, I must’ve been absent from school. When I returned, I asked my instructor if there was anything I missed. His response, “No man, you’re cool.” (He’s Italian and funnier than crap, so it was cool for him to talk like that.) Anyway, on orientation 8/12, I asked some girl if there was summer reading, and there was! So I had to read four books last week. All this, and it’s just an explanation of why Nothing in General was not updated. Today, we were watching a movie in one of my classes. I hear this faint scratching sound of a pen coloring something in a notebook. I look over to the girl next to me, trying to ogle her masterpiece. I was expecting to see butterflies and pansies (which I was doodling at the time), but no, I see the name “Freud” scrawled out. Strange, to say the least.