2006-2010 Poems

“Beware of Imitators”

Composed of a panoply of compounds
like H2O, tri-
calcium phosphate, sodium chloride,
“natural flavors,”
vanillin (an artificial flavor),
and things that my lips
cannot articulate adequately,
YooHoo wears yellow
to wrest your eyes and slide down your gullet
via your wallet.
You must be mindful of such subterfuge.

Benignly going
by the name “drink,” YooHoo, once drunk, whispers
to its drinker, “I’m milk!”
I am borne of woman and not manmade!”
Nothing that a man
can concoct in his laboratory
is a replacement
for what a woman fabricates within
her mammary glands.

This “drink” must not usurp milk since cow, nanny,
and ewe suckle calf,
kid, and lamb in order to nurse
them into adults.
But bull, billy, and ram don’t continue
drinking their mothers’
brews—a good thing too, because man needs them
when drinking YooHoo
or his mother’s milk sours in his mouth
or society’s.