2001-2005 Other Words

Pants: Society Killer

Here is another article from my tenure at BG’s. Yeah, it’s stupid; yeah, it’s inane. But hell, it’s pretty funny.

I believe I have uncovered (after much deliberation…I had to narrow it down between this and any movie with Jennifer Lopez) the worst thing Man has ever created. I know that a man is responsible for creating this because on the whole, we are the dumber sex, and we do anything to please whatever to which we have an emotional or sexual attachment.

This abomination was and will be the cause of several wars. It was also responsible for the death of not only Martin Luther King, Jr., but also George Burns. This fabrication is responsible for the Great Depression, the assassinaton attempt on Ronald Reagan, and probably worst of all- Hanson. What could it possibly be you ask? Well, I don’t think you really ask yourself aloud, “What could this terrible creation Mikey speaks of possibly be? Is it morphine? Is it a chemical weapon? Is it a spork? What?”

The answer, my friends, is simple– pants. Pants are responsible for the downfall of civilization.

When Man was first trying out fashions, he didn’t long to wrap his legs in cloth and keep his member all caged up. He wanted to let it roam free and romp about with womanhoods and the other manhoods (or is it menhood?). Anyway, women realized that if a man’s Johnson was just flapping in the wind, there’s no way anything would get done. Men would start complaining about the flies and the smegma (this was long before civilization embraced the hygienic wonder of circumcision), and the woman would have to cope with the bitching… So some woman thought, Cover the stupid thing up! And while you’re at it, make sure them quadriceps are covered, they’re scaring the children. Thus, pants were born.

It’s common knowledge that World War II was started because some Jewish German made a comment to Hitler, saying “Hey goofball- you can’t wear white pants. Your complexion is much too pasty for that. I can’t tell where torso ends and the fabric begins.” Well, what this Yid didn’t know was that Hitler burned extremely easily, and he preferred white pants to anything else.

Before his significant strides in African-Americans’ attainment of equal civil rights, Martin Luther King was known far and wide for his immense pants collection. He only had one oxford shirt, but the multitude of pants he had! Whoever killed him undoubtedly wanted to pilfer some of those sexy capris King was always strutting around in.

George Burns choked to death on a pair of pants.

During the 1920’s pants were all the rage. Come 1929, pants were fading faster than a T-shirt in the sun, and at that time, most of the publicly-traded stocks were textiles…also known as pants. What I never could figure out though, was what was going to follow pants as a piece of clothing. Pants had monopolized the entire bottom half of men.

I needn’t explain the connection between pants and the Gipper’s brush with death (well, seeing as he’s older than most of the dirt I walk on, one of his closer brushes with death. Shit, if that guy wiped out in a room full of marshmallows, he’d be finished.).

If Adam, Taylor, and Zack’s stupid father didn’t look so damn sexy in those tight Levi’s, those three middle school minstrels would still be three eggs and three sperm.

By now, I know what you’re thinking, This is all well and good, but what can I, a lowly reader of a website, do about it? I’m glad you asked, lowly reader. You can take off your pants. Lose the Levi’s, drop the Dockers, and hang the Haggar slacks. Start wearing alternative forms of ass-and-wang-covering. May I suggest kilts, loincloths, barrels, assorted fruits, and maybe the occasional nothing at all?

2001-2005 Other Words

It’s all about the jive, Turkey.

Below is a brief article I wrote for BG’s back in 2001. I thought I was doing the world a favor by illuminating the ambiguities and subtle nuances of the slang term “bling-bling.” Ironically, this word is no longer a word tossed and batted around exclusively by ballers and bitches; wordsmiths and casual dictionary-readers can now find this term in the prestigious Oxford English Dictionary. This is the first sign of the apocalypse. I believe Rev. 12:4 reads something like, “Just before utter darkness and despair drapes the Earth, the world shall descendeth into a new babel, where only pimps and playas shall speak freely and clearly. Fah shizzle, mah nizzle.”

Hakuna matata, right? If it’s taken 2000 years for the first sign to occur, then it will take at least a few hundred for the next one, right?

Wrong, Reduxers. To recall an elected official mainly because of the vociferousness of his critics and replace him with an Austrian-born body-building immigrant is certainly a crime against the natural inertia of the universe (otherwise known as Allah). No self-respecting politician’s resume should include Kindergarten Cop and Last Action Hero. The final two signs of the rapture? I don’t know, but this whole Paris Hilton thing isn’t looking too good for humanity. Hell has certainly felt a little cooler than it should. Anyway, without further adieu:

Smooth Mikey O’s Guide to Urban Colloquialisms

Hello kids. In an effort to make everyone more cognizant of those slang terms they hear on the MTV, I will break down one of the most popular terms in music- bling bling.

bling-bling as a verb- to arrive in a city or town with one’s entourage; also: to display all your finery. i.e. I walked into the church bling-blinging. All the hoes said, “Take that chain off boy, you blindin’ me.”

bling-bling as a noun- one article of obvious opulence, namely diamonds, platinum and gold. i.e. She had on a platinum bling-bling; it was so bright, it blinded me.

bling-bling as an interjection- a phrase denoting surprise coupled with excitement. i.e. Bling-bling! I just won the lottery!

Below is a brief paragraph illustrating all three forms of bling-bling.

Bling-bling! I just got outta jail for ‘saltin’ and smackin’ my baby mama, and I finna hit up the pawnie to get all my bling-bling back. After that, my posse and I, we be hittin’ up that trick Sharonda’s illin’ Courvasier and crack party, and I be sure to bling with that dope plat’ chain I picked up at the Lakewood swap meet.

To hear more urban colloquialisms, be sure to tune into MTV’s TRL with Carson Daly. He will be sure to toss around words like ‘def’ and ‘da bomb’ and ‘phat’ so much that you’ll think you died and went to Compton.


2001-2005 Other Words

While He’s at Work, He Will Play…

Today marks the first day of my extended stint as the phone support chump (did I say “chump?” I meant “representative”) at Auctionworks. Thus far, it has been tremendously busy, so much so that I haven’t had time to use the bathroom. First the site went down, then eBay went down, and then the Valdez went down.

[Okay, if it were really that busy, there would be no way I could be writing a post to my blog. “Blog.” Haha, such a funny word. God bless the ‘Net, coiner of the world’s silliest terms and jargon.]

In reality, I am sitting here, staring out the window at a rooftop some 50′ below me where some men are spreading gravel (or whatever they put on roofs). I cannot help but envy these men. Sure, they are working in near-freezing temperatures and blustery winds, but what they are doing is so much easier than what I’m doing. Moreover, while I adore learning, the combined stress of work and school is nearly too much for my little head to handle. If I could forgo my higher education in exchange for a steady income, I would do it in a heartbeat. Writing is my only passion, and I guess I’m attending school mainly to improve my prowess.

I’m on cup numero tres of coffee. Things should get interesting here in a few minutes when the caffiene makes its way into my bloodstream. I like coffee because it gives me the little edge I need to stay focused on whatever it is I am doing. I have a feeling that I will be getting intimately familiar with my coffee-maker next semester at UGA.

Well, considering I spent a few hours pouring my heart into this thing last night, I don’t have much else to report. I’m feeling rather creative today, so I may try and post some fiction later. Until then, Reduxers!

–Post over, Mikey out.

2001-2005 Other Words

Turkey Day Recap, pt. 2

Heh, so yeah– I know I said I would pick up the recount of my Turkey Day adventures in Titusville in the sunlit hours of Wednesday. I didn’t, however, specify which Wednesday it would be. The past two weeks have been very busy. Among exams, Christmas parties, procuring lodgings for next semester, and generally loafing about, I have not had time to conclude my holiday narrative. And so, I figured I would seize this creative urge I have had percolating inside me and finish the saga. What am I doing up at 6:30 in the morning you ask? I have been adventuring in Middle Earth vicariously by viewing Peter Jackson’s Tolkien trilogy. Yes, trilogy. Kim’s LOTR party culminated with the midnight showing of Return of the King. It’s now three hours after the movie has ended, and I am still awake. I don’t know how I’m still awake, but nevertheless, here I am. It was funny– I got home from Kim’s at 5:30, just in time to see Stuart pulling out of the driveway on his way to work. I am so happy my job does not require me to wake before the sun does; I don’t think I could do it. Anyway, TURKEY DAY RECAP, pt. 2:

After we left the house of Grammy (I love the monikers families coin for their elders), Bo and I went with my cousins on the TITUSVILLE BAR CRAWL. Three hours, two bars, a Corona and a Cape Cod later, I came to the realization that Titusville is a terrible place in which to go bar crawling. Our first stop was a bar whose name I can no longer remember, but the music was a mix of modern and classic rock staples. For example, the Rolling Stones’ hackneyed “Satisfaction” was wedged neatly between “Come Out and Play” by the Offspring and some crap ballad courtesy of Staind. At this nameless bar, the people with whom I was with talked about the various places my cousins’ classmates ended up after high school. Our second and final stop on the TITUSVILLE BAR CRAWL was the Riverdeck Lounge, which adjoins one of the several aged hotels in the city. When we entered the Riverdeck, our caravan literally tripled the patronage of the bar. After standing next to the river for half an hour or so, the TITUSVILLE BAR CRAWL came to a close.

My thoughts about the whole experience? I hate drunk people. I think it’s ironic exactly how mindless the drivel such people spout when they are convinced what they are saying is worthy of being included in the next Bartlett’s compedium. For instance, Alfred (one of my cousin Lara’s friends) offered this pearl of wisdom: “I like my women like fire and ice, not warm water.” If you can unmask the meaning shrouded somewhere in that nebulous statement, please email me. I’ve had many sleepless nights trying to decipher it. Al said this like he thought someone from the newspaper was eavesdropping on his Bud Light-fueled conversation, so I just know there’s something to it.

Anyway, after the bar crawl concluded (or fizzled, more accurately), Bo and I went back to the hotel. Still hard-up for a good buzz, he and I went to the lounge at the hotel for a few more cocktails. After a couple of Heinekens, I had reached my limit– so much so in fact that I spilled my third Heineken not once, but twice– once on the bar and once on the pool table. Also, while lounging in the … lounge, we chatted with the “Real British DJ” who was spinning discs in the all but abandoned establishment. I always find it interesting how people end up in their permenant stations in life, and so Bo and I joined our inquisitive forces together and put this guy through the ringer. Below are a few of the questions we gave Geoff:

“Where are you from?”
“Why Titusville? Why not Miami?”
“Pilot’s license, eh? How’s that working out for ya?”
“Is your wife American or British?”
“DJ, huh? Got any Blur?”
“No Blur, eh? Any Radiohead?”
“No Radiohead? And you call yourself a DJ?”

As I fell asleep early Thursday morning, I remained focused on Saturday. Not only was it helping me get through the trip, but it was also assisting me in keeping the room from spinning too terribly. Later that morning, I awoke with a headache and beer breath.

PSA: Kids- make sure you down at least a glass of water and take out your contacts before retiring for the night following an evening of prolonged imbibing of spirituous beverages. Furthermore, always, always, ALWAYS remember to brush your teeth. To wake up with last night still in your mouth is no picnic.

Following some Excedrin and a shower, I accompanied my family to the Denny’s which is attached to the Ramada Inn where we were staying. [I’m not sure which establishment is riding the coattails of which. Both are merely marginal at best in their respective industries, so neither one is exactly classing up the other.] At breakfast, I came to the realization that I so rarely have a sound breakfast that my taste for one has all but disappeared. While Paul was ordering pancakes and eggs, and while Bo was requesting the Meat-Lovers’ breakfast (and subbing bacon for both the country ham and sausage, netting him a heart-stopping 10 strips of the salted pork), I was ordering fruit salad and cereal. As breakfast was winding down, I dared Paul to drink one of the Land O’ Lakes creamers that was sitting atop the table which was presumably for someone’s coffee (I take my coffee black, which, in my opinion, is the only way to drink it).

“No. There’s no way I’m drinking those.” (I had given him three to drink).
“Come on! I’ve done it before. Hell, I’ll even give you five dollars if you do it.”
“No way.”
“Alright, fine– Noah, do you want five dollars?”
“Okay, okay. For five dollars, I’ll do it.”
“Glad to hear you’re working with me. I’ll even allow you a chaser between each one.”

He drank them. He chased them. He gagged on them. But he didn’t get his fiver.

Moral of this anecdote? Never, ever trust me to give you five dollars for a stupid dare. In fact, if anything you’ll be the one paying me. The pleasure I derive from watching someone drink something as disagreeable as half-n-half is worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox. Viewing one’s voluntary idiocy at my prodding is truly intoxicating.

Following breakfast, we went to the beach. I had a great time, despite the fact that we were there during high tide and to venture into the sea was truly a workout in aquarobics. After frolicking in the sand and sea for an hour, we went back to the hotel to freshen ourselves up for the Thanksgiving festivities that were being held at the Penney Ranch in Mims, FL.

My uncle Mike’s house and property are beautiful. His house sits atop a five-acre plot of oaks and palms. Family and friends were all over. Food and drink were plentiful. All were good. Delving into specifics would make this narrative even longer than it already is, so I will spare you the details. It was a great feast and an even better time. While I was lazing in one of the hammocks, digesting and dozing from the tryptophan, I was studying the stony, beaten orb that is our moon and thinking. I thought about many things, but my mind kept meandering back to the same thing– Saturday.

After several rolls of film had been used to take pictures of various groups of people (cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws, cousins and in-laws, uncles and dogs, aunts and the turkey), I was able to pack it up and head back to the hotel. Once there, Bo and I returned to the lounge to have a few cocktails and chat with the local flavor. While there, I heard a few lurid bar jokes, and I watched some guy who appeared to be a veteran of some war carry on a conversation with himself. I can only speculate what it was like behind his eyes. The world can be such a devastating place, and to see someone who has lost his grip on its partner-in-crime, reality, really saddened me. After the drinks, I went to the room and spent a few hours re-reading and laughing at old AIM logs (I’m such a loser) until I fell asleep.

Friday, I went to Cocoa Beach. It was so strange playing in the ocean the day after Thanksgiving while people elsewhere were braving icy winds and preparing for winter’s imminent arrival. The beach was fun; I had a good time body surfing and trying to spook my brother and cousin by randomly stating “something touched my leg” while we were swimming about in the shallows of the sea. The water was great, but the beach itself was not. With the day prior being Thanksgiving, the coast was littered with the relics of previous evening beach parties: beer bottles, chunks of Styrofoam coolers, condom wrappers, et cetera. It made me sad to think that some people are so into their own things that they cannot take the time to clean up after themselves.

After the beach, Mom took Paul, Noah, and me to Ron Jon’s Surf Shop. Much like every other retail store on the day after Thanksgiving, the place was a flurry of Christmas shoppers and so-called bargains. Despite the crowds, the three of us each managed to hit Mom up for something. I got a hat; Paul got a new skateboard deck; and Noah got a new necklace. When we got back to the hotel after first stopping by the liquor store for Cape Cod “fixin’s,” I showered and took a nap. Meanwhile, Mom took Paul and Noah to the local skate park so the boys could work off some of that pent-up energy.

When I awoke, night had fallen, and my family had yet to fetch me. Dinner was being served at Grammy’s, and I was stuck at the hotel. But not for long. Before I could get off the phone with Mom, my aunt Kippy was already on her way over with the three kids to get me. Following dinner (a repeat of Thursday), we returned to the hotel, and Mom and I played our token game of Scrabble.

Naturally, I left the table victorious, and Mom was left ruing her defeat by uttering long sobs of exasperation and embarassment. She has even challenged me to a rematch when I see her on Christmas Eve. I don’t understand why- she has already suffered enough; I guess she’s trying to pander to the masochist in her by inviting another sound thrashing at my hand. Very well, Mother! On Christmas Eve, heads will roll yet again.

[In all honesty, it was a close match; 283 to 267. It was my big 42-point play that gave me the cushion I needed to procure a victory.]

After Scrabble came bed. After bed came sleep. After sleep came Saturday. And with Saturday came the trip home.

All in all, I had a great time in Florida with my family. I was unsure I would be able to tolerate my brothers’ dogs during the car rides to and fro Florida. Ironically, the dogs presented no problems during those times. They were only an issue when they just had to be brought to the beach. Public beaches have banned pets because of the irresponsibility of many owners. My brother and his wife are very attentive to their pets, so this law wasn’t made because of them. In fact, Bo and Leslie are almost dangerously into their dogs. I’m sorry, but referring to your dog as “son” is just sickening to me. Even more gut-wrenching is claiming that your dog not only knows that it’s Christmastime, but that he also believes in God.


I was also concerned that I would not be able to tolerate my younger brothers, but they were well-behaved for the most part, excepting a few moments of obstinacy. It is so strange to think that these two boys are my brothers, and despite my objections, I continue to love them. We have had some difficult times with one another, but they are still both great kids. Even stranger is the rate at which they are aging. Paul is already 14, and Noah is 7! Before I know it, Paul will be graduating and on his way into this wasteland that we call adulthood. Try and fight it, my brother! Stay with Mom as long as you can!

Well, I think that about wraps this edition of the Redux up. Look for updates soon, although I am not exactly sure when. I’m really busy with this thing called Life.

–Post over, Mikey out.

2001-2005 Poems


it started in the deepest black
boys & men mount
boys & men go
boys & men no turning back

grabbed their guns and kissed their little ones
mother & child weep
mother & child grieve
mother & child dream for your brothers & sons

splashes of red & white shattered the canopy of night
the quoarians fought hard
the quoarians wrought bars
the quorians saw their enemies and smote them

the bright red blood
on their dark blue uniforms
blood bled so red
under skies steely gray

the quoarians open battle on their foes
tearing open their green bodies
intestines flopping out over skin
the quoarians kills strongly; they eat their foes’ flesh
thet pluto moons weep for their losses
quoaror is supreme; they will always triumph.