1995-2000 Other Words

Is it bad being a dork?

Someone recently asked me if I thought I was a loser. I really didn’t know exactly how to answer them. I mean, yeah, I like computers; I have an extensive Starting Lineup figurine collection; and I named all my toe nails; but does that make me a dork? Methinks not.

Now I suppose if I was an avid watcher of cartoons, owned a website, wore glasses, and I named my pet fish after a jazz great, then maybe I would be a dork. Wait a second, I did do that. Okay, so maybe I am a dork. But there are advantages to being a dork.

1995-2000 Other Words

October 27, 1999

I am tired today. I slept a lot last night. But not as much as a friend of mine. She slept 12 and half hours last night. She went to bed 5:30 pm… I asked her if she was an infant. She was laughing so hard that she had to spit out her Spaghetti-O’s…. I hate Spaghetti-O’s.

1995-2000 Other Words

October 13, 1999

The NLCS and ALCS always get in the way of my stories. 90210 and Futurama are being pre-empted. I hate that. And last night, due to “pre-game coverage,” Jeopardy was not on. I thought I was going to kill someone. Tonight, however, I have to write a narrative of a pilgrimage that I have taken recently. It’s going to suck. Also, I have to work on a project for Justice. Oh well.

1995-2000 Other Words

October 12, 1999

Well, this is the last day of my weekend. I didn’t do much of anything the past two days, but they were days off. And when I take a day off, I take it off from everything. That’s I think everyone should do. I believe in the perpetual Sabbath. I know that sounds sacrilegious, so I am just kidding.

1995-2000 Other Words

September 23, 1999

In PE, we’re bowling, and we have essentially finished the unit, so there is nothing left to do. Today we played “team bowling.” It was dodgeball with pins involved somehow. It was kind of fun. Then in English we watched a student project, the “Beowulf Project.” It sucked.