Well, here I am at work, a couple of days after Christmas, listening to Armand van Helden, and trying to figure out what I should with Gekko. Bret and I are in the middle of rebuilding it, and hopefully, it will become incredible.
December 21, 1999
Well, this part of the site has gone back to being a “Michael thing.” No one ever does anything to their websites anymore. It’s like they all are waiting for the revival of Gekko Message Board. I don’t like that. They aren’t dedicated to it anymore. Bret helps, and his help is much appreciated. Anyway, on to my daily anecdote, and away from my daily rant- today I was asked to get up and take my pops to get his car, whilst my step mother stayed home and made hamburger patties. That really pissed me off, too. She was up since 5, and she still didn’t take him to get his car, because she is SO busy. The dang car place is 3 miles away from our house, for goodness sake. In case you couldn’t tell, I am not a big fan of my stepmother, for various and sundry reasons.
Right now, I am at work desperately trying to burn as much time as possible, and I think I am doing a pretty good job. But as for this entry to the online diary that is Nothing in General, I am ending it right now.
December 20, 1999
I was talking to my mother the other day, and she was telling me about the “Elf Bowling” game, and how she heard it had a virus. I literally laughed in her face. For some reason, vicious rumors get started about totally harmless games, and people get scared. Just to be sure, I changed the time on my CPU to December 24 (date of the “virus launch”), and of course absolutely nothing happened.
December 15, 1999
I have exams this week. Well, actually I only have two more- English and American government. Both are going to be pretty tough exams, too. I have to read Greene’s Power and the Glory tonight. I wish I had that; power and glory. It kind of reminds me when we first started reading the book. A friend of mine was writing his assignments down, and one of his entries read “get power and glory.” I thought to myself, that a pretty tough thing to do in one night. But then he further elucidated his assignment by putting “get the power and the glory.”
December 6, 1999
Well, here it is. December. I swear that these past months have flown by, and I am just coughing in the dust of time. But anyway, I have today off from school, and I am about to read about the Judiciary. It’s rather boring, but hey, it’s my country. And the only reason I wrote anything here was because it was time to update it…