1995-2000 Other Words

The Golfing Lawn Jockey

Well folks, golfer weeks produced some cool pictures, but relatively few stories. We here at the gekko would like to wholeheartedly apologize. It’s just that, with Christmas and all… well, you know what happens…

On my experiences with the Golfer…

When I first laid eyes on him, I thought those eyes, those lips, this little boy is my future son… Well, something along those lines. To me, the that little cement figurine doesn’t just represent poor lawn ornamental tastes, he represents a lost youth in all of us. Okay, not really. He just really looks goofy.

I take a little piece of that golfer guy with me wherever I go. Literally. I have his head in the trunk of my car. So now, everytime I make a turn, I hear the golfer man speaking to me. He tends just to smack the side of the trunk. Anyway, that little golfer guy is the greatest. And now although he as been dismembered, disemboweled, and discraniummed, we can all take light in the fact that he brought joy to each and everyone of us. Really, you should have been there. Having that head in my hand for hours upon end was really a blast.

The next time you are faced with a dilemma, why don’t think about what the golfer would do. In fact, pretty soon you can always thinks about that; we are having bracelets made. They are going to say WWGD or What Would the Golfer Do? Well, that’s if we can get the cash…

Ollinger, the busiest guru, who still manages to do a ton for this site…. oops, I mean

Ollinger, supreme pontiff of