2001-2005 Other Words

Mikey no likey work.

Well, another weekend has come and gone. When I was younger, I loved the weekends. I used to look forward to the weekend because Saturdays and Sundays were the two days in the week where I was guaranteed a reprieve from the arduous toil that was state-mandated education. This situation is now a thing of the past, unfortunately. When I realized that money was necessary to do life’s most basic of activities (such as eating, movie and video game renting, and driving), I had to sacrifice my Saturdays and Sundays to the yoke of employment, a set of fetters against which I still struggle today. In one of my life’s defining juxtapositions, my Saturdays and Sundays are no longer days of idyllic sloth. Now, they are the two days of the week where I work the most. When I was younger, I loved the weekends. Now, I hate them. In fact, I can’t really think of a day of the week I look forward to. I have to work every day. I have school five days a week. With the exception of Saturdays, I have no evenings available to unwind and enjoy my fleeting youth. People envy me because of the flexibility my job affords me. If they knew how detrimental the job has been to my disposition, they may rethink harboring avaricious feelings toward me. [Why anyone would envy me to begin with is beyond me.] I am worn out. I need a break.

–Post over, Mikey out.

2001-2005 Other Words

Fresh Beginnings

I have decided to create a new site aside from the original Gekko Dot Org site. Before any erroneous conclusions are drawn, I will state that Bret and I are still great friends, and GDO will remain intact. However, I’ve decided that in order for me to focus on what’s most important to me- the writing- I needed to break away from the main GDO site. Fear not, kiddies– I am sure that I will still write the occasional feature for the Mother Site. I am simply advising readers everywhere that GDO-R is my new pet project, and Gekko Dot Org will continue to be in Bret’s charge. The main reason I am doing this is because there is currently no easy way to make posts to the regular GDO website. It always ends up being a 45-minute affair to make even the tiniest post. In any event, the goal of GDO-R is to eliminate this difficulty as an excuse for me (Michael/Mikey- whichever you prefer) to slack on my writing. Because of the tool I’m using has a user-and-slacker-friendly (one of those two classifications I fit into- I’ll leave it to you to determine which) interface, I will be able to make posts more frequently and with much greater ease.

What exactly can you expect from GDO-R? Well, much like when comparing Apocalypse Now: Redux to the original film, you can expect much the same thing as before, with a few minor tweaks and a remastered soundtrack. In other words, you will see more rants on my life, more reviews of crap, and (gasp) possibly some fiction. That being said, look out, world! The wheels are in motion! Michael’s out to take you by storm!

–Post over, Mikey out.

2001-2005 Other Words

May 3, 2003

Summertime rolls…

Well, July has come and gone with very little activity on Gekko. Frankly, I cannot say that I am surprised. Between Bret’s work schedule and my schedule of inactivity, nothing was bound to get done, which is alright with me. I think if I had to name one thing I enjoy doing most in this world, it would have to be nothing. Although it seems paradoxical to do nothing, it is not as easily done than said.

2001-2005 Letters

Dear Francine

Dear Francine,
I wish I wasn’t gagged, so I could tell you what’s been on my mind using spoken words–instead of grunts and vowels blocked by a slobbery rubber ball. I wish I wasn’t deaf, so that I could hear your heart breaking when you read this letter. Most of all, I wish I wasn’t blind, so I could see your face when you’ve seen what I had the boy down the street do to your things (serves you right, you fecalphiliac).

2001-2005 Other Words

June 25, 2003

In general, I dread going to class. Most of the time, people simply sit there, glancing furtively around the room, waiting for some brave soul to venture a question or an answer to an inquiry the teacher presents to us. This really bothers me. I would start the discussions, but I have a problem where I cannot start an insightful conversation, but I can enter one after it has begun, and commandeer it, directing it toward something about which I want to talk. Today, for the first time since the semester began three weeks ago, the majority of the cats and kittens in my World Religions class started talking. Granted, the whole of their comments were nested in ignorance, but you have got to start somewhere, I say. For the past two weeks, we have been studying “Eastern” religions, and most of my classmates had no idea what atman, dukkha, or wu-wei were. We have been discussing Judaism this week, and finally people can relate the material to something they know.

Anyway, as part of an exercise, my teacher asked us to name the five things we wanted in life. Most people supplied normal answers: financial security, happiness, health, a loving family. To be honest, I really don’t care about any of those things. While the things I want are mainly abstractions, there are a few tactile things and experiences on the list, and so without further ado… the FIVE THINGS I WANT IN LIFE are:

  • clarity
  • to effect someone
  • to draw a crowd into a sing-along
  • power
  • tacos!

Clarity- I know that I will never discover what the purpose of life is. I can’t be sure, but I do not believe that there is an inherent purpose to life. Religious folks would tell you that the purpose of life is to love and serve the greater being, however you envision it. Problem is, I have come to the decision that there is no greater being. We’re all here for no good reason at all. So far, I have attained clarity; I have my feet firmly planted on terra firma.

To effect someone- Unless I become a powerful leader (see power below) or commit a series of heinous atrocities, it is unlikely that I will be remembered beyond two or three generations. I can deal with this, but at the very least, I want people to really think about the things I say. I want to be taken seriously when I am trying to be serious. With the exception of a few rare occurrences, I have also achieved this goal.

To draw a crowd into a sing-along- à la Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (a favorite movie of mine- Cameron and I are definitely kindred spirits), I want to get a crowd of people to sing along with me a song of my choosing. It’ll have to be something everyone knows, so I am considering “Help!” by the Beatles, “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones, or “Creep” by Radiohead. Maybe “Cry Me a River” – who knows.

Power- When I belted out “power” from my seat in the back row of the classroom, my teacher asked me what I meant by power. I gave her the simplified, non-offensive answer: “Political power.” Actually, by “political power,” I mean total and absolute power of a township, city, or nation. That’s how it will start, at least; the final goal is total world domination, but I have already said too much. How much power, you ask? Think Stalin without all the purges, GULAG, and needless death. With said power, I will be able to coerce people to singing whatever song I want. Maybe we’ll sing two songs- “Fight for your Right” and “Mikey Made this Happen” the latter of which has yet to be written, although one could surmise that it will be an anthem extolling all my regal virtues. I don’t know if I want to be King Mikey or President Mikey or what. I really like the title “His Supreme Pontiffancy, Mikey.” It just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? I have certainly pondered heavily on the things I will have when I am ruling the planet; I could write volumes on the subject.

Tacos!- “Tacos!? You want tacos?!” My teacher was rather incredulous that I felt so strongly about the Mexican sandwich. After a few chortles from the class, I ventured a reply: “Well, tacos give me nearly everything else written on the board. Because of tacos, I am happy. Because of tacos, I am healthy. Because of tacos, I am financially secure. Well, maybe not the last one, but damn- tacos are good!” Seriously- if you have never had a taco, stop reading this, go to your nearest Mexican restaurant* and order one now.

So those are things I want in life. Just a little peace of mind, a legacy (however minute it may be), some tacos, and total world domination. I don’t think it’s too much to ask. If you think it is, please email me, so I can write your name down on my list of nemeses.

TOTALLY UNRELATED: Today, I saw the biggest bug ever. Sadly, it was dead and had moved onto the next life. Maybe it was reincarnated as a sparrow or something. Digressing (or is it progressing?), this bug was so big that there were other bugs on it. A fly was crawling on one part of the thorax; on the other end next to the head, ants had set up little vacation homes. I am guessing it was a roach injected with Hulk formula (don’t, DON’T, DON’T see that movie, by Allah) or maybe it was a beetle who had been juicing for a few months. He didn’t want to get into ‘roids, but all the other beetles on the team were doing it, and if he wanted to keep up in quanga (the beetle form of soccer), he had to start doing something in addition to the RIPPED FUEL. Who knows.

*Please note: TACO BELL is not a Mexican restaurant. It’s Mexican fast food, Pepsi style. While scrumptrelescent in its own right, a virgin taco-eater is best served by going to a real Mexican restaurant.