2001-2005 Poems


gone and gone again, lies writhing on the ground
cracked little skull, smashed brains and bones
yearned to be back home
wanted to be free

day in and day out
eyes would be searching, mind would be wand’ring
looked to the stars, looked at the sky
wanted to be high
wanted to be free

sunrise and sunshine
the light on the window pane
burning the shadows, obscuring the light
adored the stark night
wanted to be free

men and children,
their faces cracked, shalacked and shattered
with their broken eyes and swollen hearts
playing in the dark arts
wanted to be free

flying and falling through space
Daedalus has gone to the sun
his wings have melted, burned away
he wanted to be free, just for a day
he’s free now, free from his body
he’s free now, free as the air
he’s free now, free from his cares
he’s free now, free from everything

2001-2005 Other Words

birth of the nomenclator

It’s been a pretty slow six days since I last wrote. I worked this weekend- nothing too exciting happening there. Aside from that, my weekend included my usual activities: hanging around, sleeping, eating, drinking, and thinking. Of the five activities, only sleeping and thinking are necessarily appealing to me. The rest are both necessary parts of my life, but I only derive pleasure from nighttime dreaming and its sunlit counterpart, day-dreaming.

My sleeping patterns have gotten rather unstable; I am going to bed later and getting up at approximately the same time. As a result, my dreams have started getting macabre and surreal. My childhood was earmarked with mundanity in both my hours awake and my hours asleep. My dreams were very literal; while I slept, I phantasied about school, people in my life, and my pets. Never once in grade school or high school did I have a dream where my house is being overrun with zombies. But now, it’s normal. I really don’t get it.

My life is pretty uneventful on the whole. It’s like clockwork. I wake up. I use the bathroom. I shower. I play on the computer. I play video games. I eat. I read. I write. I work on the computer. I sleep…I sleep…I sleep. I wake up. I shower. I sleep (gotta have nearly equal time of day-dreaming and night-fancying, you know). Because of this, I have become prone to spending hours on end merely pondering my existence. I wonder… So far, all my hours of rumination and puzzlement have been futile. I am as perplexed as I was when I started, if not more. People create bustling lives for themselves so that they won’t have to stop to examine them. I suppose I can see their logic: “Why bother, there’s no time to stop and smell the roses. There’s too much to do. I have curtains to clean, children to feed, and spouses/significant others/French whores/Trishelles to copulate with.” They are right in some ways. But I really wonder.

Right now, it’s three in the morning, and I am reading and ruminating upon rules of usage in the English language. I have come to learn that I tend to spell more words in the correct form in British English, rather than in the American. I guess that is because I have this knack for doing things slightly differently but correct all the same. Besides, Brits were speaking English long before Americans were. Furthermore, what exactly is an American?

On another front, I am having troubles deciding what screen name to use (I know what you’re thinking– but Mikey, we don’t CARE!). Bret and I went through a phase where we registered new AOL instant messenger handles on a daily basis. Bret grew out of this; I, however, did not. I continue to think of great new names and register them as soon as possible. The names I have registered, in no particular order:
googly scimitar
macabre mikey
eat a pencil
get ta steppin y
great gondala
camel jimmy j
fracca at 1134
i love millia
eLbow Parker
elBud potter
smooth mikey o
mikey ollinger
mordacious mikey

As you can see, I have entirely too many. I really need to hew it down to about three to five. Those that I am particularly fond of are emboldened. I believe I register so many screen names because I love coming up with titles and names for things. I have been naming cats, dogs, fish, cars, chairs, rooms, body parts, the list goes on and on. In thinking about it even further (another sign I really need to find a life), I have decided upon the ultimate screen name for myself. The rest are good, but this one is the best…

From henceforth, my screen name shall be THE NOMENCLATOR (cue echo, clap of thunder, and scary-sounding music). I will name things as they come to me. I will invent monikers where needed. Why? Because I am the NOMENCLATOR!!!

2001-2005 Other Words


I love reading my replies to old emails. If tomorrow I was stricken deaf and mute, email would be my preferred method of communication. I found these tasty little morsels I have written while sifting through the 18 months worth of old electronic communication I have on my computer:

“I have been most busy with work, and my new-found hobby, world domination. I am sure you have seen the multitudes of “Mikey Made This Happen” and “Obey Mikey and live, Disobey Mikey and perish instantly” billboards around your local town or prefecture.”
“…you have the week off from school, yet you’re cooped up in your apartment downloading “Bang Bus” shorts and eating Oreo’s by the pound.”

“Truth be told, I have been ruminating on the “panty/panties” dilemma for nearly two weeks now.”


“I guess that’s all I have to report. Oh, and I have started writing the SPACE WARS saga. How’s the site coming?”

“I have been using “crapulous” in my lexicon for nearly 14 hours already.”

2001-2005 Other Words

May 28, 2003

Well, it’s no coincidence that since my 21st birthday, Gekko has not been updated. Between celebrating my new-found legality with friends and family and Bret being in Florida for the holiday weekend, it has been difficult for things to get done. At any rate, the newness of my birthday has worn off, Bret’s back home, and so status quo is slowly starting return. The minute moratorium from the monotany is waning. Work is picking back up; and in a week or so, school will be back in as well.

I hate when I try writing for the website, and the idea I have turns out to be only half an idea; one that won’t work. I get about halfway through, and I hit this impermeable wall. The rest of the idea sets up a fortress, and I end up stuck in a metaphorical moat in my mind, fending off disease and alligators. Well, it’s not exactly that bad, but it’s close. I have pages of half-written stories, strings of unrelated couplets, and other cacographical bric-a-brac. Some are on little coffee-stained napkins, tattered and torn pages of notebooks, and the backs of magazine inserts. To help combat this whelming bit of disorganization, I have started carrying around a memo pad and pen to record all my random thoughts and ideas. Nearly everyone who has seen me toting it around teases me about it, asking either what I’m writing down (to which I answer “I’m thinking of the quickest way to kill you” – that normally shuts ’em up) or if Frank, Joe, or I need any help solving the mystery of the African Safari or whatever case we’re on; to which I reply, “no thanks, but you can get me a bearclaw and get the boys a couple of glasses of grape juice and some Fig Newtons.”

Right now, I am struggling for fresh ideas (I have a few in the oven; they should be ready soon), and I need to clean out the first few pages of the memo pad. As such, below are the first few quotable quotes I have heard since the notebook’s inception.

“They’re fantastic. My family and me- we’re real big rib-eaters.”
–caller-in to QVC, while the channel airs a promotion for Corky’s BBQ Fully Cooked Ribs
“My dick is the star of my fantasy.”
–Dave Chappelle, on why men never fantasize about threesomes with other men
“When you look this good, you don’t have to know anything.”
–Fry, on the importance of appearances, from an episode Futurama
“I kinda took some stuff, but I didn’t rob them.”
“Even if the Pope himself hit me, I would call the police.”

–overheard while watching Judge Joe Brown with my sister-in-law
You can be sure to look for more of these coming soon. As soon as I hear them, I will be sure to include them somehow or another in my normal posts. I have found that you are likely to hear the most unlikeliest of things in the stangest of places. People are poets without knowing it; they can philosophize without being wise.
Well, it’s getting late, and Fatboy Slim’s “Talkin’ ‘Bout my Baby” is on, and I just have to dance…later, cats & kittens.

GK Out.

2001-2005 Movie Reviews

The Matrix Reloaded

The actual plot for Reloaded feels like familiar territory, but the Wachowskis throw enough twists and turns in it to make it their own. Reloaded picks up very nearly where the first movie ended. After visiting the Oracle, Neo learns that he needs to rescue the exiled Key Master from the clutches of a smarmy Frenchman, the Maravingian. The Maravingian scoffs at Morpheus and company’s proclivity for blindly following orders and not searching for the purpose in them; “doing the what without knowing the why,” as he puts it. With a little help from the Maravingian’s beautiful wife, Persephone, the trio is able to retrieve the Key Master from his confines. The Key Master then explains Neo’s role as the One, which includes going to the machines’ mainframe within the Matrix and meeting the Architect, who further elucidates the machines’ actual control over their humans and offers the ultimate choice Neo must make. Neo makes his choice, and just as he and the rest of Morpheus’ crew are returning to Zion, something hap-

The movie ends there. You get a taste following the credits, but you will have to wait until November for this saga’s conclusion.

First, let me start with the hyperbolic adulation. The film is spectacular. I have seen it three times since it was released Thursday. Compared with the first film, there are several more hand-to-hand fighting sequences (complete with the occasional weapon fight), bigger explosions, longer slow-mo cuts, and a dizzying multi-million dollar highway scene that leaves its viewers breathless. Additionally, the philosophical concepts that are offered for consideration here are truly thought provoking, and one could spend hours puzzling over them. This film is wrought with open-ended themes that encourage multiple viewings as well as intense pontification. With a sweat-soaked party scene in a Zionic temple occurring concurrently with a sex scene between Trinity and Neo, this movie has everything its target audience wants: kung fu, big booms, heavy-handed themes and concepts, sweet-ass special effects, and just a little bit of sensuality, thrown in for good measure. Truly, a film geared directly at me.

The most striking shortcoming I noticed with the film was the terseness of the dialogue. The actors are rarely given more than a few lines at a time, and so many of them are delivered with an almost palpable detachment from what is being said. It detracts from the urgency of the story somewhat, thus removing an element of believability and legitimacy. These people are fighting for their freedom from oppressive mind-enslaving machines, and yet they converse with quick one-liners, looking almosttoo cool in their custom-fitted designer sunglasses. Although this is a problem, it is not enough of one to truly affect the film in any meaningful way.

Personally, I believe the majority of the actors were forced to “dumben” and limit their acting abilities to match those of Ted Logan himself, the one and only Keanu Reeves. I enjoy Keanu’s presence in films, but his acting leaves much to be desired. Although Neo is the great hero of the Matrix films, the character of Morpheus (played brilliantly by Laurence Fishburne) is very compelling and demands more attention. He is the one of the few characters that is given an extended soliloquy, and Fishburne delivers it with gusto. If Morpheus were running for president, I’d vote for him. If Morpheus were leading an army into war, his soldiers would be prepared to follow their leader right into the gates of Hades.

Overall, the movie is an enjoyable experience and demands at least one additional viewing. The fight scenes alone demand an extra viewing. The dialogue is a little weak, and the some of the actors’ performances are even weaker. Other than that, however, this movie is damn good to me. A-