2001-2005 Poems


I want to tie myself to my bed,
yoked to a downy jail using finest
linens. Like an old man, crippled and fed,
I want to lie down and forever rest.

But first, before I slip into retire–
do for me this thing, something I need dire.
Blind my eyes to what I find most vile:
the hot and heady hearts of evil men,
the scoundrels, pirates, sinners, and liars.
Women who smile and smirk, charm and beguile,
soft seductions by those singing sirens.

My head they bash; my heart they burn,
So spare me fright’ning, earthly things;
into crimson nightmares they turn
the sweet silence of my jet dreams.

2001-2005 Short Stories

Tales from the Chambermaid

The following anecdotes were taken from the new book entitled Horrors of the Hilton: True Stories of the Chambermaid. In the florilegium, several hotel cleaning ladies were interviewed on the things they’ve seen working in the business, and this was the result. Readers beware: some of these stories are more than disturbing. Furthermore, these stores were recorded exactly as dictated. No language has been edited or colloquialisms annotated.

2001-2005 Poems


self-importance is suicide
and suicide is
i don’t care about
your brain matter spattered or splattered on the wall or the ground
just waiting, WANTING to be found
so some someone can say some something, smattering
about how wonderful you were, a flower forgotten,
or a fountain untapped or some other meaningless metaphor.

do yourself a favor and build–
a bridge:

a bridge overlooking a still stream:
a stream so still and so smooth
that you can slip into it and lose yourself
between the water and the air,
unsure whether to exhale or inhale.

2001-2005 Poems

“an elegy for the departed”

This was something I wrote very early one morning. It seems that my best writing comes between the hours of 12 AM and 5 AM on the night before an exam or a research paper is due. This was something that I had originally posted to the main Gekko site, mainly because I didn’t feel like fixing WRITE CLUB. I’m inspired at 4 AM; I didn’t say I was motivated.

2001-2005 Other Words

Between Friends

The following is something I originally posted to my blog on Gekko, but with the resurrection of WRITE CLUB, I decided that it was better suited to this milieu. Some women like it when you talk dirty to them; for some reason, however, girls HATE it when I talk dirty.