1995-2000 Letters

Dear Jane

Dear Jane,

We’ve had some good times, haven’t we? From the day we first met at the truck stop, I’ve loved you. Remember when you got off work at Hooters early and we went to the English Patient? Granted, neither of us likes those “indie” films, but it was still wonderful just being there with you. I do not know how to tell you this, but we must break off our relationship. I am sure you are wondering why these tragic events must occur, so I will indulge you.

1995-2000 Short Stories

Tom Made a Cow

Tom was an every day ordinary fellow until he hit his head on a low-hanging light bulb, cracking both it and his skull. The ensuing brain damage was described by a team of expert doctors as minor and unrepairable.

1995-2000 Short Stories

Jed, the Turkey

On a cold, wintry day in February, a mother turkey laid a little egg. In this egg was to be the savior of all turkeys nationwide. This egg was Jed. After his egg hatched, Jed steadily developed into a young, vivacious turkey. The year was 1692, but turkeys back then were illiterate and had no true use for human time. Turkeys were sprawling all over the countryside and living generally carefree lives.

1995-2000 Poems

an ode to chewbacca

O glorious wookie, how we love thee!
You speak in a language only you can understand,
grunts and groans, yelps and yawns.
Your shaggy hair so silky smooth,
almost sensuous to one’s touch.
With a looming height,
you scare off many a foe.
But with a eyes so bright,
your friends love you so.
What would be a fitting name for you?
Defender of the Just, friend to Han Solo.
Co-pilot for the Millennium Falcon.
Fred? No.
Sparky? No.
Chewbacca. This is your title.
O Chewy,
keep fighting for the safety of the weak and oppressed

1995-2000 Short Stories

Jeff and his Terrible Problem, Cheese

“Jeffrey! Wake up, Honey, it’s time for bed.” his mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs. “But Mom, I was already sleeping…” Jeff got dressed and went to the morgue. ( The school was being repaired after the tremendous hailstorm of 1976.) On his way, he passed the usual quaint little stores and shops along the way… There was the Hot Dog Stand, the German Novelty Store, Cadavers R’ Us, Opium and other Mystical Drugs, and many others. He continued on his way and passed by his favorite place- the Bovine Factory!