1995-2000 Other Words

The Golfing Lawn Jockey

Well folks, golfer weeks produced some cool pictures, but relatively few stories. We here at the gekko would like to wholeheartedly apologize. It’s just that, with Christmas and all… well, you know what happens…

1995-2000 Short Stories

Tom Made a Cow

Tom was an every day ordinary fellow until he hit his head on a low-hanging light bulb, cracking both it and his skull. The ensuing brain damage was described by a team of expert doctors as minor and unrepairable.

1995-2000 Other Words

Thoughts on the Gekko

Well, kids, here it is…. The best of…. I can remember the day that Bret and I decided on the name I was so excited. Finally, he and I were going to escape the clutches of Geocities. We were going to be something. I remember when I sent the check to Internet Solutions I was so proud, and then, we were off.

1995-2000 Short Stories

Jed, the Turkey

On a cold, wintry day in February, a mother turkey laid a little egg. In this egg was to be the savior of all turkeys nationwide. This egg was Jed. After his egg hatched, Jed steadily developed into a young, vivacious turkey. The year was 1692, but turkeys back then were illiterate and had no true use for human time. Turkeys were sprawling all over the countryside and living generally carefree lives.

1995-2000 Other Words

My Experiences as a Young Lad

When I reflect on where my life has put me today, I am dumbfounded. I am simply amazed at the sordid life I have led. From my brief stint as a freak in a Mexican circus to my days as a guru of